Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Noteflight Reflection & Project

After using Noteflight, I found several possibilities to utilize it in the classroom. I have been looking for a new project for my fifth and sixth graders for the second half of the year. The fifth grade project can be an introductory project with multiple perimeters such as only use certain rhythms, key and instrumentation. The following year can let loose of some of those constraints and perhaps letting them choose a specific genre in which they have to stay true to.

Noteflight presents several benefits for building student creativity. For example, the program allows students to create their own account which means access anytime at school and home. I know several of my students who used the Soundtrap web site were actively working on their projects at home and sharing their work with others. The sharing option in Noteflight lets students share with other classmates as well; this could turn into peer critiques, group composing, etc. The sharing option would also make submitting their project easy and convenient.

While using the free version of Noteflight, I found the tutorial videos were helpful only to an extent. The premium version seems to have easier and clearer access to some of the features such as notating and sharing. The free version did not include the small notating widget unless it does but it is not clear if it does. Because the video only addresses how to share in the premium version, I had to find an alternative way to share my score by linking the url of my project and linking it below. MuseScore seems to be more user-friendly for notating. The layout is less complicated which for elementary students, would be easier to use.

I would not completely dismiss Noteflight notation program. The fact is that it is web-based in the cloud is a big positive. And if you have students who are familiar with notation software, I would highly recommend this web site. If not, I would definitely refine an extensive introductory lessons and assignment.

Look what I made with Noteflight:

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